
The KJV Standard Lesson Commentary, 2015–2016 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Enhance a Sunday school class, your personal Bible study, or even sermon preparation with the trusted Standard Lesson Commentary. This popular annual Bible commentary offers 52 weeks of thorough Bible study with Bible backgrounds, thoughtful questions, teacher tips, maps, charts, quizzes, and much more.

THE GIFT OF FAITH Unit 3: Fullness of Faith LESSONS 9–13 After participating in this lesson, each learner will be able to: 1. List some duties of a Christian as set forth by Jesus. 2. Explain the relationship between growing faith and forgiveness. 3. Identify one way to practice forgiveness on a daily basis. Introduction A. Keeping Score B. Lesson Background I. Protecting and Forgiving (LUKE 17:1–4) A. Little Ones (vv. 1, 2) B. Offending Ones (vv. 3, 4) Card Counting
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